Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Liberal Vs. Conservative

These were just some topics I brainstormed. It felt weird writing a paragraph so I did bullet points instead

Difference between Conservative and Liberal View points

• More Regulations on Business
• More Social Security
• Less Taxes on middle taxes
• Pro-Choice
• Pro Gay Rights
• Anti-War
• Want more health care bennfits.

• Less Regulations on business, stimulates economy more. It gives big business incentives and that will ensure the extra money they get into the economy making it grow.
• Same Ideas with health care.
• Pro-Life
• Anti-Gay Rights
• Pro-War
• Appear to be more aggressive
o Foreign policies.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

im so sick of school

school sucks
i hate it
anyone with me on this one

Blog number 5

Blog Entry #5 –
Please respond to and assess the validity of the following statement:

"It's a shame that the people who are listening to you the most are only interested in you because they want you and your peers to buy their product."

Well the way i see it some one has to do the job. i mean idont think anybody really cares because if someone did then i would probably be seeing a bunch of protest and various other events trying to stop these people from asking teens what the hot thing is. In a way it helps because they adverstise all the new gadgets forceing parents ot buy them. especally where we live i know for a fact that is my mom had not seen the ipod touch on television and that she finally realized that it was not the actual phone,, i most definately would not have gotten for christmas. so really it is a shame but reality is that some one has to do it.

blog number 4

i know all the words to boyz.
I loved it the minute she debuted as he single. it is funky, fresh, and has a sick nasty beat that can be used in clubs.

Boyz there (How many)
Boyz there (How many)

How many tequilas in the place?
How many beers are in the case?

Boyz there (How many)
Boyz there (How many, how many)

How many dutty wine swing it away?
How many shots without a chase?

Boyz there (How many)
Boyz there (How many)

How many mash up and in a haze?
How many wacky dip fall on their head?

Boyz there (How many)
Boyz there (How many)

How many no money boyz are crazy
How many boyz are raw?
How many no money boyz are rowdy
How many start a war? (x2)
[ Boys lyrics found on http://www.completealbumlyrics.com ]

Hey now
Let me go, hey now
Can we go ridin' up a dirty track up in Laventille
Will you, show me before I make it back somewhere I can chill?

Hey now
Let me go, hey now
Can we go ridin' up on motorbikes up to Sugar Hill
Cooking chicken on the wall
With the system up on full

What we do now
Duppa bounce
Dem der
Duppa bounce

Oh gosh, it's the new warlord

Boyz there (How many)
Boyz there (How many)

How many no money boyz are crazy
How many boyz are raw?
How many no money boyz are rowdy
How many start a war?

here is the link

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So some anonymous person tipped off to Mr. Teb that my first blog was inappropriate.
Don't know who that could be, anyway point being
Which is so weird because should we not be able to express ourselves freely?
who cares this is ridiculous, and i am just sick of always getting in trouble so stupid stuff.
This sucks
i can say that right
if not lets use bites.
this bites
a very light term to express the amount of anger i am enraged with right now.
peace class

ps: Hjelmgren i assume i should finally get a grade on my blog

Friday, February 29, 2008

M.r Hjelmgren wants me to take down my first post but I dont want to, i like it.
so there.
Will is trying to make fun of my because he thinks the above sentence makes no sense
thats will thompson
just fyihttp://img.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/csh-037573__oPt.jpg
so im here to talk to yo ubaout popular culture lets see hmmmmmm
This is a photo of the one and only miley cyrus
she looks so old, i mean she is like disneys teen money maker and she looks like those slutty girls who chill at zero gravity.
I'm sorry but this is the reason why there are girls tunring out like the olson twin, or lindsay lohan
i rest my case

Monday, February 25, 2008

No No No No No you say Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

One of my favorite groups of all time would most definately be destiny's child. To the right is an old school photo of the orignal band. The two girls far right dropped out of the band in the late 90's and they added tow new girls michelle and farrah. After 5 months Farrah dropped and left the Group with 3. I am proud to say I have been through it all. From the first major hit No No No part 1 all they way to their last single as a group Stand up for love. One of my favortie songs by the group would have to be independent woman part 1, even though I personally am not an independent woman, I like the beat and it si the theme song to one of my favorite movies Charlie's Angels.

6th period

uh right now we are in popular culture.
School is such a waste of time
Rocco and I are jammin out to some sweet Journey